Recent content by nienchiamao

  1. nienchiamao

    Any parts From R18 Bagger can set for R18 and R18c

    What mount kit you mean? May I ask?
  2. nienchiamao

    Scissors ✂️ jack

    BMW R 18 ( K34 ) Обслуживание мотоцикла Copy above than paste to YouTube than enter and play.he use every tool from bmw special tool. .professional.
  3. nienchiamao

    Any parts From R18 Bagger can set for R18 and R18c

    But in good way,now I feel more warm air around me longer.but cold air away from my chest and leg...I can not take it off after I install it, that much different.and I also feel I am different...compair other R18.and feel very I crazy?
  4. nienchiamao

    Any parts From R18 Bagger can set for R18 and R18c

    Yes it redirect air more to my chest so that helmet move like dance total gone under 130km.
  5. nienchiamao

    Any parts From R18 Bagger can set for R18 and R18c

    I ordered this just for different look from other r18...but I notice all around ottawa ontario in canada only TWO r18 classic need special because of R18 already special IN OTTAWA, no people buy it,haaa Stay with what you like,no need buy the lower fairing....but it really make different .
  6. nienchiamao

    Any parts From R18 Bagger can set for R18 and R18c

    About 1300.00 usd,I do have parts number.but no link to catalogues.
  7. nienchiamao

    Any parts From R18 Bagger can set for R18 and R18c

    Buy the parts and 15mins install each Side! after lower fairing install,it become another r18 model. I think. and it fill up the space gap between front tire and engine...very good for air redirect...
  8. nienchiamao

    Any parts From R18 Bagger can set for R18 and R18c

    Woo! The lower fairing redirect air flow,all the air between my leg is gone,no more bugs hit me. And it force more air to cyclender head!! I must super work,but it cost me .... It change everything, the ride,the look,the value....(I think...) work,work,work!!!love it!
  9. nienchiamao

    Any parts From R18 Bagger can set for R18 and R18c

    I knew not much accessory r18 can use,but I do check the engine guard they both share this guard,so I bought them. And they are fit. Just like my harley ultra limited vs harley road king.
  10. nienchiamao

    Any parts From R18 Bagger can set for R18 and R18c

    R18TC and R18B is a nono for my self,same engine and more weight,also the infotainment system...they are good motorcycle. I buy the R18 is because the engine.not because how R18 is....lower fairing really change everything of the R18....and classic.