Anyone tried AliExpress Floor Boards?

Personally, short answer no, but a good friend has a 1250 GS and he’s bought loads of Ali Express cosmetic accessories for it. He’s shown me what he’s put on and tbh you can’t tell any difference from more expensive items. They look really good and are a fraction of genuine prices. Things like plastic winglets, carbon shields, spotlights, crash bars, seat covers, headlight covers etc. Postage was quick with no dramas either.

Now personally I would never buy anything structural in the same way I wouldn’t buy cheap pattern brake parts or cheap bearings (because they often never fit properly, dubious quality of materials and are just a waste of money, been burned too many times).

Footboards, mmm don’t know. I possibly wouldn’t risk it, if they snapped under you taking a corner 😬, sketchy, others may well have better first hand knowledge of them though …..good luck.
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Thanks for sharing your thoughts! checked with the dealer and he asked upwards of $1500 for the BMW replacement parts… Foot pegs for now or maybe gamble with these AliExpress to try them out!