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Custom R18B Drag Pipes

  • <i class="fa--xf fal fa-check "><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" role="img" aria-hidden="true" ><use href="/data/local/icons/light.svg?v=1726113578#check"></use></svg></i> Discussion starter Discussion starter R18 Bagger
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Might sound awesome but a wee bit less aesthetically pleasing to the eye.
All depends on what a guy wants. All that chrome is just shields extra weight .. basically a boat anchor to me. Start feeling around. You will be surprised.
My goal is to no be like everyone else.
I had a sound clip on here. Didn’t do justice. It’s kinda crazy. Loud as hell if you want it to be but nice and quiet rumble with the cruise set on 70
I had a Competition Werkes on my Ducati a while ago. Sounded great on upshifts/downshifts. Had a nice rumble… Until you hopped on the highway… Then it was a drone…
I almost went with competition werkes on this build but found a deal on the SC Projects Im very happy with the outcome
All depends on what a guy wants. All that chrome is just shields extra weight .. basically a boat anchor to me. Start feeling around. You will be surprised.
My goal is to no be like everyone else.
You saved a few kilos off a 370kg bike and made it look terrible. Don't kid yourself that makes any difference but I'm sure it sounds spectacular