Fabricated some "winglets"


New member
I didnt really want to drop $400+ on the TC winglets without knowing if they would work. So I fabbed up some out of Lexan. They look pretty decent for 30 minutes work. When it stops raining I'll give them a try. Just thought I'd post in case anyone else was in the same boat.


Decided to make a final version. Spent a lot more time on cutting (bandsaw) and finishing (bench belt sander). Could be OEM I think... Let me know if you want the pattern. I have it scanned in and fit to a piece of paper - you should be able to print and trace it.


Great work! I'm still considering "winglet-options" for my bagger.
Your latest version seems bigger - have you noticed any difference in air flow between versions?
Perhaps it would be interesting to ride with one version on the left side and the other version on the right side for a test?
I have the stock OEM winglets, as well as the Lower Leg Wind Protection on my Model B; Saturday morning was a bit chilly at the start of our morning ride (jacket required & Winglets closed-blocking airflow), which quickly jumped up to 83° F by noontime. I opened the Winglets in order to increase the airflow, while keeping my jacket on; I took note of the difference in wind buffeting, with the winglets closed-vs-open (not sure which is which, probably should read the TC owners manual), and visa-versa..

There's definitely a difference in wind buffeting at 70+mph; however, keep in mind I don't seem to experience the buffeting as badly as others. I still have the stock windshield, wear sunglasses with a 3/4 helmet and I'm only 5' 9" tall, so I sit slightly below the turbulence; while still looking over the stock windshield.
Thanks Scott, good to know how the winglets actually work. Your height seems right for the B model - I'm 5' 10" with a tall upper body and I get a lot of buffeting. I think it's partly because of my jet helmet, partly because I need a taller screen and partly because of the "missing" winglets. Lots of parameters going on, hard to know where to start. I can take some wind resistance but the turbulence and high frequency wind noise is hard to put up with. I'd rather not have a bigger screen since I think the bagger screen suits the bike.

So perhaps I'm getting a full face helmet and trying DIY winglets. But if I knew that the OEM winglets solved the turbulence for me I'd probably get those right away. They are quite praised here on the forum, but every combination of bike and rider is different. And the winglets cost about the same as a quality helmet... crazy!

...and how I miss my electric screen on my R1200RT! Lowest position around town and highest position on the highway - suited me perfectly. I wish BMW made one for the R18 B/TC.