Highway pegs

Could you post some additional photos please? Source for pegs? How do these effect the lean angle?

That said, I just went out to the garage and tried to put my feet where they'd be both under the jugs and relatively straightened at the knee, and, man, that's not a great position. It's frog-legged but even more awkward. Maybe a photo of you on the bike.
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Wunderlich engine protection and universal long pegs.
knee full extension ^^
That footpeg specifically, not the entire assembly, seems to be a carbon copy (or chrome copy (-: more correctly) of the OEM version installed on my H-D Breakout when I bought it - except that the missing part in the middle tread would have been the H-D logo. I have seen these sell literally for pennies on Amazon and eBay.

If that is indeed what you have purchased, ask yourself how come they can be so cheap. Chinese is one part of the answer. No explicit brand name, squat ownership liability, zero consequence for failures and substandard (by far) castings constitute the other part. A footpeg/floorboard failure while riding is potentially one of the worst things to befall one while travelling with a motorcycle. We have seen several of those on Adventure bikes lately in South Africa - where all 'universal' accessories now barter in from China. - some with dire consequences.

I only buy foot/hand pegs, bars and controls from reputable brands for that reason, even if it costs much more. I have no problem with cheap bling or farkles, but NOT when it comes to anything where a lack of structural integrity could see me or my pillion killed or disabled. Also, the R18 does not actually do 'cheap'.

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