How Dry I am


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Greetings... about to set off on a mid size trip on new r18tc. there is some rain in the forecast and wondering if anyone has any ride experience on the TC and how well the fairing keeps the rain off?
btw, I should have noted- I have an R1200CL (full fairing) and I really don't need rainsuit as it stays pretty dry.
I haven't ridden in rain, but my TC has the best wind deflection of any touring bike out there.
My previous 2016 GoldWing actually had the best protection from the elements of all the bikes I’ve had.
I believe you are right. I have owned Kawasaki Voyager, Harley RoadGlide, BMW R18TC, 2018 Goldwing. The Wings before 2017 were a bigger bike with better fairing I think.