TC Radio annoyances


Active member
Some little issues with the Radio feature on the TC that drive me nuts:
  • The radio does not remember the last source properly when you use the Favorites feature. For example, if the last channel used in Favorites was a SiriusXM channel, the next startup, it sets the Source to SiriusXM on that channel. Then you have to change the source back to "Favorites" the next time you power it on. It should just remember the last setting.
  • Audio Equalizer randomly forgets the setting. Frequently after powering on, one or both of the Bass/Treble settings are set to 0 instead of where I put it. It doesn't matter if it's a saved memory or not.

I'll add to this list as I discover more.
Thank you for mentioning specific versions, my TC is also at 011_07_035. I'll make sure to request update when in for next service.
Only "issue" I've noticed so far is the Sirius antenna sure does have problems with maintaining signal. Only lose signal for a second, but it can happen several times in the same song. No such issue with car/truck radios over same roads.
My Sirius works fine, just like my other car. This sounds like a warranty issue. The antenna cable has a bad connector or the connector on the antenna is loose.