This Thing May Be Dangerous...


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Premium Member
... to my license! I know that it's called a "cruiser" and presumably that suggests CRUISING along.... maybe at a sedate pace? But it's HARD to stay out of the throttle. And every time I see a curve ahead, I want to accelerate rather than brake. Cruiser my ARSE! It's a dang sportbike without the bodywork! The only time that the R18 makes me feel "mellow" is when it's parked and I just stand there taking in it's beauty. It IS beautiful.
But my license may not be long for this world.
Just don't do these things:

And, should you get a ticket, be sure to show up on the court date to argue your side. Present photos of your R18. Explain that she's a machine which requires certain attentions to speed and to angle. Explain that the torque is intoxicating but in a way unlike those appropriately and sagely cited in Tennessee Code section 55-50-501. Argue that while riding the R18, you're presented with forces and feelings which, much like the siren voices of native Tennesseeans Dolly Parton, Tina Turner, and Aretha Franklin, cannot, and indeed, should not be ignored. The judge will nod ever so slightly. Now take it home. Explain that you're obliged, required even, to acquiesce to these forces because, well, just look at her. Go on, have another look. The bailiff will lean in while the judge peers at the photos again.

Then try not to smile when the gavel falls and the judge yells "Case Dismissed!"