Hi all, I am just checking if anyone has tried interacting with the BT moto team for the map recently. I only recently (this week) got an opportunity to update to their map after having bought the unit as a part of the bulk/discount purchase the last year.
After downloading the stock file from my R18 and filling in the questionnaire as suggested on page 5 of this thread, I dropped them an email at
[email protected] with the requested information. I, however, received an automated response email stating that the email id is no longer being monitored and that they have moved over to a new shop management and communication system with a link to their contact page.
I used their new contact form 2 days back but haven't received an acknowledgement yet. Meanwhile, I also opened an account on their site and uploaded my file (stock map) in the 'My Files' section and raised a ticket in parallel in their ticket system just to inform them of my bid to reach out to them.
Just to be clear, I am not worried, as it's been just 2 days that I have initiated this engagement for, but, from what I have read, this looks like a deviation from what the others have done so far. Has anyone experienced this so far? if so, seeking your guidance on whether I am doing anything wrong.