R18 Huge power potential (RSD info)

How much are the Vance Hines for the R18B??? I heard the sound on a clip sounds really good
If you bought em last week, about $900. If you want em now, $1600. Can only get black cans currently, with a back order eta of “who knows” for the chrome set.
Bummer there still isn’t much performance wise for these bikes. Just going catless this engine runs with my buddies 131kit road glide no problem
Bummer there still isn’t much performance wise for these bikes. Just going catless this engine runs with my buddies 131kit road glide no problem
I wonder if third-party builder/modder shops are reluctant to develop for this engine until it’s proven that it’ll stick around in the marketplace I have no clue; what does the performance market for the r9t engine looks like in comparison?